Job Title: Sr. Professional Flight Nurse II

How many years at STATMedEvac:  5 years

  • Scott is a proud husband and father to three amazing boys (13, 10, and 6).  He also has a 4-legged child, 2 y/o Zuri, who is their 3rd rescue Great Dane.
  • He brings his violin to work (most days) to practice.  He has been playing for about 5 years now.  Scott has played multiple instruments since age 4.  The band he plays with, Leap of Faith, currently has 3 songs professionally recorded.  You can find them on Spotify and Apple music.  The band is back in the recording studio working on 3 more songs.
  • Scott is currently enrolled at Capella University to complete his BSN.
  • He is based at MedEvac 4 out of Allegheny County Airport.  Scott says “It’s been a great experience to meet and work with some of the best in the HEMS industry.”